Water Is Not Always Your Friend


What’s the difference between a flood and a sewer backup? With hurricane season in full swing, it’s important to understand the differences between the two so you are protected in the event either one happens to you.

A flood involves rising waters, such as those caused by rain, melting snow, or an overflow of a river.  We have witnessed the devastation that floods can cause. However, homeowners and commercial property policies do not always cover the subsequent flood damage.

The way to insure your home or commercial properties against flood damage is through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Sewer and drain backup, on the other hand, involves water that causes damage to your property, resulting from a sewer or drain that backs up. When a buildup of water is prevented from continuing to flow in the normal direction, it must reverse its direction and go back up the other way. As a result, water backup occurs. A collapsed pipe and blockage are also known to cause water backup. Homes are most susceptible to the backup of drain lines during the wet months of spring and fall.

Unlike flood insurance, the coverage for this type of loss can actually be purchased as part of your homeowners and commercial property polices.

It is also important to note that Flood polices do not cover losses caused by sewer or drain backup.

Don’t drown yourself in worry over a lack of coverage.  Contact us today to discuss your coverage options.