Corporate Sponsored Protections / Executive Compensation

We know that much of your company’s success depends on the talents of your most valuable asset: YOUR EMPLOYEES!

However, keeping the people who keep the business going is easier said than done. Higher pay is only one of the answers.  Traditional group insurance plans often fall short of providing executives and key employees with adequate coverage.  Petschauer Insurance specializes in providing innovative solutions that encompass carve-out programs for key executives.

What We Do

We design, implement and administer executive benefits programs that help companies like yours offer key executives long-term financial stability. The advantage of attracting, retaining and rewarding top talent through their working career helps with turnover cost savings, employee satisfaction, and ultimately enables loyal, quality people to be contributors to the future of not only their own retirement but the growth of your business.

Our Services

From plan design and consultation to complete plan administration, we’ve got you covered.

Corporate Sponsored Protection

  • Executive Disability Income
  • Executive Long-Term Care
  • Voluntary Cash Value Life Insurance

Executive Deferred Compensation

  • Executive Deferred Bonus Plans
  • Carve out Executive Retirement Plans
  • Split-Dollar Life Insurance


Traditional group insurance plans can often fall short of providing executives with adequate coverage.  Petschauer Insurance specializes in providing innovative solutions that encompass carve-out programs that businesses can leverage to attract and retain key talent with little to no cost to the firm!  Our Voluntary Benefits program provides an additional layer of benefits for your senior executives and key employees without having to make any changes to the group benefits already in place.

Our corporate programs usually allow for discounted rates not available in the individual retail market, and depending on the size of the group, employees may be eligible to obtain coverage for limited to no underwriting!  Our voluntary offerings cost companies nothing.  The employees choose to apply and pay for the offerings.

We design, implement and administer executive benefits programs that help companies like yours offer key executives long term financial stability. The advantage of attracting, retaining and rewarding top talent through their working career helps with turnover cost savings, employee satisfaction, and ultimately enables loyal, quality people to be contributors to the future of not only their own retirement but the growth of your business.

Petschauer Insurance’s expertise, personalized support and administrative capabilities yield higher participation levels in employer–sponsored voluntary insurance offerings than you may have thought possible.

Voluntary Supplemental Disability Income Insurance

Most Group Disability plans fall short of protecting high income earners.  Bonus compensation and base salary above a certain maximum aren’t covered, and disability benefits are often subject to federal, state and local taxes.  Corporate-sponsored disability insurance (DI) closes the compensation gap your executives face and are becoming popular additions to the suite of group benefits that organizations need to stay competitive.  Highlights of the program and key attributes include:

  • No cost to the firm. These are individually purchased policies and enrollees are billed directly and not through any of the firm’s payroll
  • Very limited time commitment on the firm’s part. HR’s involvement literally encompasses the supplying of a census, and sign off on the offer and communication strategy. At that point, Petschauer Insurance and the designated insurance company complete any enrollment interaction with the individual
  • All eligible employees will receive a permanent discount that will range from 25 to 30% for males and 40 to 50% for females over comparable retail product
  • There may be some level of Guaranteed Issue Coverage, meaning that some amount of monthly benefit will be given to any executive who enrolls regardless of their medical condition. This will be of tremendous value to anyone with any type of pre-existing
  • All policies are individually owned, portable, and carry the discounted premium for the life of the
  • No changes to existing group coverage and vendor necessary. These policies compliment benefits currently in place.

Whole Life Insurance

Cash Value Whole Life insurance from the highest quality carriers.  Benefits to your employees

  • Life insurance coverage that lasts beyond their employment and well into their retirement.
  • Source of supplemental retirement income.
  • Depending on the number of employees and level of participation, be provided with little to no medical underwriting!

Long Term Care Protection

An increasing number of employers are offering long-term care insurance as part of their benefits programs.  This coverage can protect the employee and their families from the devastating costs of nursing home, assisting living, home care, and other services required to facilitate such daily activities as eating, dressing, and bathing.  Long-term care insurance offered as corporate benefit are generally less expensive than coverage purchased in retail setting.   Policies are also available to cover the employee’s spouse and their parents.  If someone in their family requires care, your key employee may not have to stop working to assume caregiver responsibilities.  Having Long Term Care protection on themselves and their family provides resources to pay for their care allows the employee can remain productive in their career.

Cash Indemnity Policies

We offer Policies that pay cash for employees and their families in the event of Critical Illness, Cancer, Hospitalization, Disability and Dental expenses.  These are affordable plans that supplement existing medical benefits.   


Most of your employees can replace their entire income after retirement with a tax-deferred plan, like a 401(k). But your top executives can’t.

Most of your employees fund their retirement with a tax-deferred plan, like a 401(k). But top executives may not have this option. Due to government rules, their contribution potential can be restricted, which limits their ability to accumulate sufficient funds for retirement. In fact, they may be able to replace only 30 to 50 percent of their salary because of government rules. That’s where a well-designed executive benefits solution come in.  That gives your business a serious recruiting and retention advantage — if you offer a competitive executive benefits program.

  • To motivate an executive to work hard and stick around, you can pay the premiums on a specially designed, employee-owned life insurance policy. The premium amount becomes a compensation bonus to the executive that is vested over time.
  • Freedom to select participants among highly compensated management.
  • No IRS Approval — IRS approval is not required; avoids most of the cost and administrative requirements associated with establishing a qualified plan under ERISA
  • We properly structure these plans so that the policy’s tax advantaged cash value accumulation and death benefit help provide your executives with significant income and survivor benefits.
  • Ability for employee to defer pretax compensation in amounts above qualified plan limits
