How Long Term Care (LTC) insurance can benefit you and your family.

Hi, it’s Morgan from Petschauer Insurance. Welcome to part two of our four-part long-term care video series. Today I’m going to share with you how long-term care insurance can benefit you and your family.

A long-term care policy will pay for extended care should you become physically or cognitively impaired and unable to care for yourself. An uninsured long-term care event can be overwhelming and all-consuming for your family. Without sufficient resources, your family may have to put their lives on hold to care for you, and disagreements over who shares in the responsibility often divide a family.

Long-term care insurance relieves your family of this financial and emotional burden. This insurance protects your assets, income, and saves you from having to sell your home or drain your retirement savings to pay for your care. A long-term care policy empowers you to receive your care at home or choose an assisted living or a nursing facility.

How do you achieve peace of mind for yourself and your family? Contact us today and let us design a plan that fits your needs. And watch out for video number three, where we discuss the optimal time to purchase insurance and how much to purchase. Thank you for watching.

Call Petschauer Insurance in Garden City NY at (516) 419 5050


Watch Video 1 of our series – CLICK HERE
Watch Video 3 of our series – CLICK HERE