3 Common Misconceptions About Long-Term Care

Hello. I’m Heidi Petschauer, President, of Petschauer Insurance. We want to bring you the 1st part of our 4 part Long Term Care series, especially given the challenging COVID environment as it reminds us of just how vulnerable we all are. LTC is required when you have a cognitive condition such as dementia or need assistance with basic activities of your daily living whether caused by an illness or injury. These unexpected health events can drain you and your family’s financial resources and emotional peace of mind.

Today, in Part – we start with the 3 misconceptions of LTC (Long Term Care) we hear most often from our clients:

1. My family or kids will take care of me:
Uninsured LTC events can divide your family instead of bringing you all together, because, your children may need to quit their jobs to care for you, or you may need to exhaust your lifetime
savings to pay for your care.

2. My Health Insurance or Medicare will pay for it.
Unfortunately, these do not pay for ANY in-home health aide or nursing home extended stays.

3. I am too young for LTC (Long Term Care):
More than 1/3 of those receiving long-term care are under the age 65. An unexpected, devasting health event can happen at any age.

Watch out for our Video #2 where we discuss how LTC Insurance can take that financial burden off you and your family and offer you the peace of mind you deserve. In the meantime, contact us today. Thanks

Call Petschauer Insurance in Garden City NY at (516) 419 5050
email: Life-Health-EmployeeBenefits@jpins.com.


Watch Video 2 of our series – CLICK HERE