2019 Father’s Day Message

On this Father Day, we remember and honor all the important men that have influenced our lives. Of course, for me, it’s my Dad, our founder of Petschauer Insurance. My Dad opened the doors to our agency in 1958 and from the first day he embraced his client relationships with honesty and integrity because he always wanted them to feel protected by him. In fact, he simply wanted to make a difference in the lives of everyone he connected with. To this day, we continue to honor his legacy. He actually set our Core Values and he didn’t even know it! His influence is still so far reaching with everyone he ever connected with.

For me, I honor his legacy by living these Core Values and ensuring that everyone I connect with feels them like I do. And, at Petschauer Insurance, my entire team is committed to living these values and our Brand on a daily basis. Many of them even say, “I never met JP, and yet I feel like I knew him”. His spirit and energy is everywhere!

Take this special day to honor and be grateful for all the men who have provided amazing guidance, value and positive energy to your life!

In loving memory of my Dad, I wish all of you amazing men a very special day to be honored and celebrated by those who love and appreciate you. Go make
more memories and keep making a difference!

Happy Father’s Day!
Heidi Petschauer, President