Changing Lives for the Better

After a snowboarding accident left him without the use of his legs and confined to a wheelchair, Luke’s life became infinitely more difficult. Something as simple as dropping his cell phone became a challenge, both physically and emotionally. This was especially difficult for Luke because he was used to living an independent life. More than anything, Luke wanted to retake control of his circumstances – even a small amount of help would be the difference between happiness and depression.

In 2019, Canine Companions matched Luke with his service dog Rummy, and both their lives changed for the better. “Rummy has affected my life positively in so many ways. He picks up various items like my keys or my phone when I drop them. He’s hands down the best dog that I could have been placed with. Our personalities just match! His favorite command is “lap” and it’s mine too,” says Luke.

Since gaining his new companion, Luke has returned to the ski slopes – he now works for a nonprofit that offers differently-abled people access to adaptive technologies that allow them to enjoy a more active outdoor lifestyle, including skiing and snowboarding!

Every time you send us a referral, we’ll donate $20 in your name to Canine Companions, allowing you to make a positive difference in the lives of those like Luke and Rummy. Our goal is to hit $500 in donations for Canine Companions, so keep those referrals coming!

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