If you’ve been keeping up, you know that our team here at Petschauer Insurance has a heart full of love for Canine Companions. That’s because these folks are doing something absolutely extraordinary – they’re creating partnerships between veterans and individuals with disabilities together with an assistance dog. And let us tell you, it’s a game-changer for both!

These partnerships between humans and their four-legged heroes are more than just companionship; they’re lifelines. By teaming up, they’re granting each other a newfound sense of freedom and independence. The animals trained by Canine Companions’ are the crème de la crème, having undergone rigorous training to ensure they’re truly the best of the best. These connections aren’t fleeting; they’re lifelong bonds that enrich lives forever.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room – service animals don’t come cheap, and most families simply can’t afford them. Fear not! Canine Companions swoops in to save the day by making life-changing service animals available to those in need at no cost, all thanks to their incredible volunteers and generous contributions.

And guess what? You can be a part of this incredible journey with us! Here’s how you can lend a helping hand: Just recommend someone to our agency for a FREE insurance consultation, and for every quotation made, we’ll donate a heartwarming $20 to Canine Companions. There’s absolutely no pressure to purchase anything; we’re just here to spread love and support. So, if you’re ready to lend a paw and make a difference, give us a shout! Together, we can make magic happen. Let’s do this!

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