Need a Hand? Here’s a Paw!

At Petschauer Insurance, we are proud to continuously support Canine Companions for Independence! This noble organization has taken incredible strides to assist people with disabilities to find their perfect match from their selection of highly trained service companions

A service animal may considerably boost one’s freedom by assisting with normal routine chores such as turning on lights, opening doors, picking up a fallen object such as medication, and so on.

For Luke, his service dog Ruff, helps him stay on task. Luke has Down Syndrome, so speech and socialization tasks can become difficult to overcome. With Canine Companions assistance dog Ruff by his side, Luke has the extra motivation and confidence to live a more normal life.

Canine Companion service dogs assist individuals in gaining independence and confidence. Donations and volunteers are critical to making a difference in the life of children, adults, or veterans with disabilities. Be a part of something special and see how you can make a positive impact in our community. Together, we can ensure these individuals are on the right path to a happier, independent life.

By referring someone to our agency, you could support this organization that shares our passion for serving others in the community! Just one simple step, and for every referral received, we will donate $20 Canine Companions. It’s that easy! There is no obligation to purchase, and they just need to receive a quote.

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE