Strategies to Relieve Stress & Anxiety at Work

Strategies to Relieve Stress & Anxiety

 It’s normal to experience moments of stress during your work day.  How do you handle this? Here at Petschauer Insurance our philosophy is to put strategies in place to help deal with our anxiety and stress so that we can be as positive, productive and feeling successful as possible. Whether your anxiety is triggered by work stress or personal stress you hold the power to overcome.  You will feel more confident and that will help you be more positive.  We believe in a work-life balance. Here are some of our strategies that work for us:  

  1. Be Self Aware: Stop and reflect on what exactly is causing your doubt, anxiety or stress.  What triggered this negative response?  What do you need to do to have a positive outcome?
  2. Be Present: honor those feelings you have. No matter what they are, do not judge them. Then put it in perspective to the situation you are in. What do you need to do to prepare yourself for a professional response?  
  3. Be Prepared and Organized: Feeling prepared enables
    you to engage the experience knowing you did the work by putting in the time and effort. Being organized helps you complete the task with a sense of purpose and focus
  4. Communicate Clearly: maintaining an open dialogue, which is positive and reflective, will lead to success of task completion and client satisfaction
  5. Collaboration: Talk about it with a co-worker you trust, or a family member. Getting it off your chest can relieve the pressure, and receiving advice and support is extremely helpful
  6. Refuel: This is coping skill we use to keep our energy level high and positive. Here are a few examples:
    • Take short breaks to breathe deeply.
    • Sit up, and slowly breathe through your nose and let the air fill your entire upper body, and then slowly breathe out. Do this 10 times and this will help give you more clarity to confront the situation head on
    • Get active by standing up and walking around. Take a short walk to clear your head or get a cup of coffee/water. You can easily escape a bad mood by moving your body.
    • A good laugh can cure the stress by boosting the brain’s endorphins which will help your mood
    • Squeeze a stress ball. By simply applying some weight to the pressure point on your palm, will relieve stress and muscle tension in your hands.

What helps you refuel from the stress of your day?  We encourage you to reflect realistically about what helps you recharge, regroup and re-balance yourself. And be willing to share this information with your colleagues so that they can reinforce it for you and WITH YOU! 

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