Safety Practices To Help You Enjoy the Season of Spring

Spring Cleaning

We certainly received plenty of snow this past winter! As we thaw out from the colder temperatures, the months ahead will also provide us with the opportunity to open up the windows and start our annual spring cleaning rituals. The warmer weather is on its way!

As you look to enjoy the season, here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Turning on fans, in addition to opening windows, is also a good idea when using chemicals.
  • When spraying pesticides, wear long clothing for protection and let the given areas air out for an hour or so.
  • To avoid confusion, keep chemicals in their original bottles to help you keep note of expiration dates and remain mindful not to mix things together that may create dangerous gases.
  • As the temperatures warm up, the heavy snow from the winter season will continue to melt. Spring can also lead to rainstorms. Both of these weather conditions could result in potential flooding, so you would benefit from knowing the safe routes in and out of your house. Unfortunately, flood damage is not usually covered under a homeowners policy. You may want to contact your agent about flood insurance.
  • Prepare your home with a first aid kit, flash lights, extra batteries, nonperishable food, and bottled water.
  • Keep contact information for utility and related companies handy in the event of an emergency.

Spring Flowers

Allergies are also common during springtime. Exposure to pollen can result in itchy eyes, runny noses, fatigue, and more. Here are steps you can take to remain healthy:

  • Take an opportunity to plan your seasonal outings accordingly. Going out on non-windy days will help limit your exposure so you can enjoy your day
  • Park your car inside a garage and away from trees, if possible. This will help you avoid pollen and mold spores.
  • In the interest of spring cleaning, washing your hands, vacuuming rugs, and changing sheets often will lessen the chances of pollen clinging to material in your home.

It’s easy to get excited about spring time and the changing of seasons. Keeping the above reminders in mind to ensure your health and safety will make it even easier to enjoy this fun time of year!