On Mother’s Day – A Time for Personal Reflection

Another Mother’s Day is here and I find myself once again reflecting and feeling very lucky.
mom and me school signFirst, I like to wish all moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. Secondly, I’d like to acknowledge that I have an amazing mom, Ingrid Petschauer. She has this incredible gift to make you feel so loved and cherished while saying very few words and not needing or wanting to be noticed. In fact, it is her silent presence that gives me the strength from within to just go be the best person I can be! Every time I think of my mom, I remember a famous saying that was so popular when I was growing up: “Behind Every Successful Man is a Great Woman”. The reason our founder and my dad was able to succeed and grow Petschauer Insurance is because he had a wife and partner, Ingrid, who supported his efforts and let him go be the best insurance person he could be. All she wants is for those that she loves to be happy and healthy, inside and out. The reason we have a strong sense of love, family and respect is because my mom is behind the scenes sharing her love, strength and knowledge with us every day. And for that I’m truly grateful and wish her a wonderful Mother’s Day.

Chris and me photo

For myself, I chose not to have my own children; however, when I married 10 years ago, I had no idea that I would be blessed with such a special step-son, Chris. He has shown me so much about the meaning of life, love, happiness and courage. Every year he wishes me “Happy Mother’s Day” and that is very special to me.

For those of you with mother’s that are “angels in heaven”, I hope those thoughts of your mom will bring you happy memories and joy on this special day !

Heidi Fox, CIC
President, Petschauer Insurance

A Division of Patriot Growth Insurance Services, LLC
CA License #0M56067

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